About Lithotripsy - Noninvasive Treatment for Kidney Stones
Lithotripsy is an FDA approved treatment for breaking kidney stones caused by the accumulation of minerals in the kidney. Lithotripsy virtually replaced many traditional surgical procedures as it became more accepted as the treatment of choice for kidney stones during the 1980s. In the past, when a patient had kidney stones, surgery was performed to remove the stone or stones, and recovery took weeks. Now the procedure is over in a matter of hours and the patients usually returns home the same day and requires no hospitalization. The new procedure is non-invasive and results in less discomfort and a faster recovery period for the patient.
The Lithotripter works by concentrating shock waves on the stones, actually breaking them which substantially reduces the pain of passing the stone fragments.
There are several benefits to lithotripsy treatment over traditional surgery. They include:
- Cost benefits to the patient from less time lost from work
- Reduced recovery time
- Reduced post operative pain
- Lower risk of complications than traditional surgery
- Non-invasive
The Lithotripsy Procedure
Patients are usually asked to come to the hospital outpatient department or ambulatory surgical center on the day of the scheduled procedure and do not require hospitalization the night before the treatment. The hospital, outpatient facility, or surgical center, along with the patient's urologist, provide the scheduling for the lithotripsy and make the arrangements for the patient's preoperative and postoperative care.
The patient is positioned on their back with a small water filled cushion against the affected side. The physician and certified renal lithotripsy technologist focus the shockwaves on the stone using fluroscopic guidance. The goal of the treatment is to fragment stones into sand like particles allowing passage of these particles through the urinary tract.
The entire process, from admission to recovery and discharge, takes an average of three to five hours. Sometimes additional treatments are necessary, especially when there is more than one stone, or stones are unusually large. After a period of recovery and observation in the hospital outpatient area, the patient returns home.
Keystone - Convenience and Quality
In this era of healthcare reform, Keystone is committed to offering patients quality care in lithotripsy. Keystone, as evidence by our AAHC accreditation, has developed and maintained the highest standards possible of patient care and technology in lithotripsy. The convenience of the option offers patients and their doctors a flexible choice for location in treatment. Patients can be assured that they are dealing with skilled professionals, with extensive experience in the field.